
Texture Overlay

  I made these 2 pictures by first putting the photos on gimp. I clicked open and I put the photo of the person on gimp. Then I added the texture photo. I opened it as a new layer for the photo. Then looked at the opacity setting.  I played around with the opacity setting for a little bit. I put the opacity setting to 15.5. Then I made sure the photo looked clean as possible. Then I exported it to my pictures. 


This photo is a strong picture because of the pretty shadow it leads. This picture is beautiful to me because of the colors it has and the shadow. This photo brings out the beautiful side of leaves. The leaf and the shadow bring the strongest part of this picture. This photo is strong because of the reflection it leads. This photo is a representation of school students. It shows the students standing in the hallway. The photos strongest parts are the reflection of students working together or getting along in the hallway. The is the liquid in motion. To me, this picture reminds me of hot lava. It brings it a volcanic feel to me. I was able to capture it while my teacher was pouring out the drink and raising up the shutter speed. I was able to capture my fingers typing on the laptop by lowering the shutter speed and constantly moving my fingers. What I learned about shutter speed was the higher you raise it the more you are able to capture the motion more clearly. I set up
I am confident. When I take pictures, I show creativity. This is what I love. :) CHECK THIS OUT! : CHECK THIS OUT!: